Invest in our planet’s future

The Planet Impact Fund is a simple and effective way to align your money with your values and drive environmental solutions.
Donate to the Planet Impact FundImpact framework
The Planet Impact Fund supports vetted environmental organizations working around the world to achieve positive, measurable outcomes for people and the planet in four impact areas:
- Rights to Nature
- Conservation & Restoration
- Resilient Communities
- Just Economies
Dual-impact strategy
The Planet Impact Fund allows donors to confidently do more with their money by supporting a curated portfolio of environmental impact investments and grants.
Each year, the Planet Impact Fund disburses approximately 10% of total assets to vetted environmental nonprofits. This strategic grant-making is guided by the principles of trust-based philanthropy and our four impact areas:
- Rights to Nature
- Conservation & Restoration
- Resilient Communities
- Just Economies
We designed the Planet Impact Fund investment portfolio to seek returns. All returns will be used to drive further investments and grants into innovative environmental solutions—today and into the future.
Meet the Planet Impact Fund grantees
Karrkad Kanjdji Trust (KKT)
supports First Nations communities in Arnhem Land, in Australia's Northern Territory.
Together they tackle some of the world's most pressing issues, preserving native biodiversity, combating climate change, creating meaningful and equal employment opportunities, and supporting the continuation of the world's oldest living culture.
→ Impact Area: Rights to Nature

Osa Conservation
collaborates with local communities, government officials and global leaders to establish a climate adaptive biodiversity corridor across southern Costa Rica.
They build resilience for both people and nature by implementing ecosystem stewardship, enhancing scientific understanding, providing education and training, and creating sustainable economic opportunities.
→ Impact Area: Conservation & Restoration

Groundwork USA
leads a network of people-centered environmental justice organizations—Groundwork Trusts—that are advancing strategies to increase health and well-being for all.
They work at the intersection of the environment, equity and civic engagement to holistically transform the natural and built environment of under-resourced communities.
→ Impact Area: Resilient Communities

Kula Project
develops entrepreneurs in Rwanda's coffee communities.
They eradicate poverty by focusing on the entrepreneurial development of female farmers through the sustainable growth of their coffee businesses and the creation of new microenterprises, while simultaneously teaching them how to care for the land they depend on.
→ Impact Area: Just Economies
Meet the Planet Impact Fund grantees
Past Planet Impact Fund grantees
How does it work?
When you donate to the Planet Impact Fund, your gift will simultaneously resource nonprofits addressing today’s urgent environmental issues and power investments that build a healthy, sustainable world.
1% for the Planet is collaborating with National Philanthropic Trust and CapShift to bring the Planet Impact Fund to donors. Each partner is contributing their years of experience and specific expertise:
Founded in 1996, National Philanthropic Trust (NPT) is the largest national, independent public charity that manages donor-advised funds and one of the leading grantmaking institutions in the U.S. NPT offers philanthropic solutions, including donor-advised funds and other giving vehicles, and is committed to excellence in donor service and support. NPT serves as the fund manager, sponsor and fiduciary of the Planet Impact Fund.
CapShift, an impact investing platform and solutions provider, brings a deep knowledge of connecting capital to impact through investment. CapShift provides investment advisory services for the Planet Impact Fund, with a focus on shifting capital to work for the planet. The investments are recommended by CapShift with the goal of driving climate impact at a deeper level than what may be possible in a conventional ESG portfolio.
Together, we have created something new to the market: a fund where every dollar is invested or granted for maximum positive impact for the planet and people.
Anyone—individuals, businesses, institutions and others—can donate to the Planet Impact Fund, except individuals who are on the staff or board of investee companies or environmental partner grantees that receive funding from the Planet Impact Fund.
At this time, only U.S. donors can receive a tax deduction for a donation to the Planet Impact Fund; any other donors (without tax presence in the U.S.) will not receive a tax deduction, but are still welcome to donate. The Planet Impact Fund is a new innovation—we started in the U.S. but are looking to expand from there. We welcome your questions, since that helps us understand interest from potential donors around the world.