Vote 1% Better: environmental partners prioritizing the environment at the polls

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As sea levels rise, mass extinction continues to occur and environmental disasters happen more frequently, the impacts of the climate crisis are more apparent than ever.  To combat the climate crisis, an increasing number of voters list the environment as their #1 priority. Still, we don’t see the action we desperately need from our elected officials.

The current administration rolled back 70 environmental regulations with 30 more still pending. The regulations protected wildlife, curbed emissions, set important standards on drilling, extraction and so much more. Environmental issues impact all of us. These attacks on environmental policy are not only harming the planet, but also threatening justice, equity and safety for all people, especially marginalized communities. So, what can we do?

Right now, it’s easy to feel helpless among the many global issues we're facing. But we have the power to use our voice and show up for people and the planet through activism in our communities. Together, we can vote for a better future and support organizations that make the environment a priority in politics.

Below you'll find a list of environmental partners working to register new voters, empower voters to make informed decisions, build support for bipartisan climate solutions and fight for the change our planet desperately needs. All of these environmental partners are eligible to receive donations through 1% for the Planet.

501(c)3 organizations:

donations to the organizations below are tax deductible.


Climate XChange

Education and Research

Climate X Change provides research, education and advocacy tools to enhance climate resilience within local businesses and communities and to promote carbon pricing and bold leadership on climate change.

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Earth Guardians

Earth Guardians is partnering with voter registration and turnout organizations such as Rock the Vote, Future Coalition and We Stand United to encourage young people to register and turn out to vote. More than 65 million young voters will be eligible to vote this year, and they are expected to have the greatest influence on the election of any age group. Earth Guardians is working to support the efforts of movements working to disrupt historically oppressive systems by empowering people to use their right to vote.

Copy of Getting Ready To Vote


IssueVoter created a customized platform for the 1% for the Planet community to follow environmental legislation: Voices for the Planet. This platform enables individuals to get alerts, track, understand and make voices heard on legislation related to the environment. IssueVoter is an innovative, non-partisan nonprofit with a mission to give everyone a voice in our democracy. Voices for the Planet      makes environmental information accessible and actionable with customized alerts *before* Congress votes and translates bills into layman’s terms with points from both sides. Your support will help IssueVoter cover more legislation that affects the environment and donations greater than $500 before October 15 will make you a Voices for the Planet Founding Sponsor.


Chesapeake Climate

Action Fund

The mission of the CCAN Action Fund is to effect change in public policy at local, state and national levels to directly address the threat of global warming. Through voter education, lobbying and participation in the electoral process, CCAN strives to move our country into a leadership position on the most urgent global issue of our time — the climate crisis.

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Tides Center -

The Vote Solar Initiative

Vote Solar is a non-profit grassroots organization working to fight climate change and foster economic opportunity by bringing solar energy into the mainstream. Since 2002, Vote Solar has engaged in state by state advocacy campaigns to make solar more accessible and more affordable in order to achieve scale and drive real climate progress.


Environmental League

of Massachusetts

The Environmental League of Massachusetts (ELM) is dedicated to protecting the health of our environment and citizenry by safeguarding the land, water and air. ELM is focused on environmental advocacy and strengthening the voice and effectiveness of the environmental community.

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Environmental Defense Fund

Environmental Defense Fund works with activists, companies and other allies to defend environmental protections, address inequities and craft strong, bipartisan policy. From getting laws passed to defending them before the courts, EDF makes the government work for — not against — the environment. Our 2.5 million members and activists make all the difference in this fight.



REVERB is dedicated to empowering millions of individuals to take action toward a better future for people and the planet. REVERB partners with musicians, festivals and venues to green their concert events while engaging fans face-to-face at shows to take environmental and social action. The nonprofit also creates and executes comprehensive programs to reduce concert and tour footprints. To increase voting, REVERB works to register attendees at music festivals.


Defend our Future

Defend Our Future, a project of the Environmental Defense Fund, is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to empowering young people of all political persuasions who are interested in advancing climate change and clean energy solutions that grow our economy and protect the world for future generations


501(c)4 organizations:

donations to organizations below are not tax deductible.


Environmental Voter Project

The Environmental Voter Project (EVP) is a non-partisan nonprofit that's focusing on empowering people who care about the environment to vote. The environmental parnter uses data analytics to identify existing environmentalists who don't vote and then applies behavioral science techniques to turn them into consistent voters.

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Sierra Club

The Sierra Club works to amplify the power of their 3.8 million members and supporters to defend everyone’s right to a healthy world. The environmental partner works with partner organizations, nonprofits and campaigns to build a diverse, inclusive movement that represents today’s American public. The Sierra Club recognizes the ties between social and environmental issues, and has an incredible record of impact, and is committed to advancing the Green New Deal and electing officials with strong climate platforms.


Forests Forever

Forests Forever works to protect and enhance the forests and wildlife habitat of California through educational, legislative and electoral activities. Since starting, the nonprofit has rallied Californians in defense of the state’s 17 million acres of woodland ecosystems and watersheds. Forests Forever  accomplish this through year-round education, grassroots organizing, occasional litigation and work in elections, and executive-branch and legislative advocacy.


Climate Action

Rhode Island 350

Climate Action Rhode Island 350 is a local affiliate that works to change the way our society creates and uses energy. The nonprofit also focuses on the way we work together in anticipation of climate change by taking vivid, nonviolent actions that stimulate public engagement; direct communication with stakeholders and legislators; and mutual support with other mission-focused organizations.


Sunrise Movement

Sunrise Movement is building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people. Sunrise Movement has developed a methodology to evaluate and score the top presidential candidates on their commitment to fight for the equitable, sustainable and prosperous future promised by the vision    of the Green New Deal.


POW Action Fund

The POW Action Fund works to make action on climate change a top policy priority for the outdoor sports community. The nonprofit works to support elected officials who will take legitimate action on climate, while also identifying those who deny the science and work against climate solutions and hold them accountable. POW Action Fund lobbies for climate action, helps those who care about the outdoors make informed political decisions and is fighting for high-level policy change that will protect the outdoor spaces we love and care about.


Native Peoples Action:

Climate Justice

Native Peoples Action strives to provide Alaska Native communities with a voice at all levels of policy making and a focus traditional values. The nonprofit is leveraging the strong Alaska Native community networks to build a volunteer base to provide confidence, encouragement, and guidance in connecting Alaska Native traditional values and political candidates, proposed policies and land management.                                  



People's Action:

People & Planet First

People’s Action is a powerful force for democracy and economic fairness. The organization fights for healthcare for all, housing justice, accessible education and puts people and the planet over large corporations. People's Action is dedicated to the fight for social and environmental justice and advocates for policy change that will make a more equitable future for all.


Citizens' Climate Lobby

Citizens' Climate Lobby is empowering people to work together on climate solutions. Supporters are organized in more than 400 local chapters across the US. The nonprofit is working on building support in Congress for a bipartisan climate solution, and fighting for democracy. Citizens’ Climate Lobby organizes by establishing local chapters in congressional districts, and currently have 600 local chapters.

"Commit, then figure it out"

Doug Tompkins, dear friend and one of the great influences of 1% for the Planet's founders.